[TIPP] Patch
Es haben sich bereits 3 registrierte Benutzer bedankt.
Eurotrucksimulator 2 - SCS Patch
Aktueller Patch, 1.1.3
bishervon SCS nur per Torrent verfügbar, deshalb für euch als DL bereitgestellt, bis SCS Server in die Gänge kommt.
Download by SCS Soft
Link zur SCS Updateseite
Quelle SCS-Soft
EDIT: Link nun verfügbar.
Es haben sich bereits 17 registrierte Benutzer bedankt.
Benutzer, die sich für diesen Beitrag bedankt haben:
Benni71086, BigBang123, DAF-15, Dbpit, Die Simone, efe19, Efsan, leandro, Liosha1987, Meas, pit19169, Rick04, SGT. Sagara, stani, SunshineLive890, Techo, thundertrucker5
Patch 1.3.1
Hier die Direktlinks (no torrent) von der offiziellen ETS2-Homepage:
What's new in this update:
(1.3.1) several safety checks added to improve stability with unofficial game mods created for previous versions of the game
official licenses from Iveco and Volvo
ability to change the company name, logo or preferred brand
retarder (automatic or manual)
per-profile mod selection (can be overridden using -force_mods command line parameter)
support local currencies of each country in the game
gearbox accessory selection
new online radio stations (now up to 190 stations)
physics takes into account different weights for trailers and cargos
Renault Premium upgrades
Renault Magnum side-skirts are now an optional upgrade
hired driver log
hired drivers more likely to find suitable cargo on the way back
re-hired driver issue fixed
ferry fee is not charged to player for quick jobs
UK distances in GPS fixed
fixed memory leak when playing mp3 files using radio
improved handling of corrupted save files
improved resiliency to some types of corruptions caused by mod removal
fixed cabin blur during rain
over 200 map changes and fixes
several German roads thoroughly tweaked and prettyfied
bump causing damage on German A3 fixed
powerline columns in the middle of the road removed
gas station in Bremen
AI curves fixing on some prefabs
increased vertex buffer sizes to improve game stability with more detailed vehicle models
Product Key verification step added, only genuine keys in good standing accepted as of version 1.3+
Es haben sich bereits 5 registrierte Benutzer bedankt.
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