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Aktuelle News zu dem neuen ETS2

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Freitag, 21. Dezember 2012, 08:27

Here is a video recorded earlier this December on another of our truck
engine sound recording sessions. Looks like we are going to welcome
Volvo brand into ETS2 with properly sounding truck engine. ;)

We happened to pick a freezing cold day to perform the recording, but it
was a great opportunity to experience how the vehicle behaves on ice.
You can tell we had quite some fun!

The past two months since the release of Euro Truck Simulator 2 have
been very busy; we are not resting on our laurels after the great start
for Euro Truck Simulator 2 on the market. SCS Software is currently
split into four groups pushing in four different directions! This video
represents the effort of the one group working on improvements for Euro
Truck Simulator 2, but we are looking forward to sharing with you our
plans for the other three projects we have in pre-production now.

Im Klartext hofft SCS Volvo nun mit dem Soundaufnahmen ebenfalls ins Boot zu holen.



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Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2012, 22:21

So wiedermal was Neues - Übersetze News findet ihr hier : Klick zu Speedmaniacs


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013!

So what are we up to? No doubt many of our fans are very curious about
what is coming from SCS Software in 2013. Let me pour some fuel on the
bonfire of speculation!

As we hinted in a previous blog post, based on the massive amount of
input from our fan base, we are contemplating moving into several areas
at once. To understand what it would take to run several projects in
parallel - the resources it would take and the amount of work ahead of
us, we have split up the company into several mini-teams. Each group is
tasked with research, pre-production analysis and tentative planning.

The strategic goal is clear - we don't want to spend two or three years
again working on a single big game, having little to offer to our fans
until it's finished. Instead, we'll be exploring different ways of doing
projects with different business models to be able to give you more
stuff to play and more often.

One thing is for sure - we are going to continue adding features and extending Euro Truck Simulator 2.
In addition to normal updates, this will most likely include optional
paid map-expanding DLC(s). We are already working on one such extension -
early next year we are thinking of approaching the public and our fans
through, in order to get very important feedback on viability of such game extensions.

For this paragraph, we are moving into areas of what-ifs and maybes. We
have purchased (at no small cost) several domains which we think will be
important for the projects we are considering for the next year:,, and We are not ready to reveal features sets or release time-frames, but you now see in the open what we are thinking about.

SCS Software's Forums
membership is approaching 400, look like we have a slow start so far.
Maybe discussing the opportunities offered by our tentative 2013 plans
is a good reason to join in!

Thank you very much for staying loyal to us through the years, let's work together to make the years to come even more exciting!
Pavel Sebor
CEO, SCS Software

und ganz frisch:

ETS2 Game of The Year!

Euro Truck Simulator 2 has been announced as PC Gamer's Simulation Game of the Year 2012!

Few moments working in the games industry are as gratifying as receiving
such an award by a prestigious games publication, except perhaps when
reading praise straight from you, our fans! ;-)

Looks like our UK publisher Excalibur Publishing is already celebrating
this fact in their nice video introducing the game to sim newbies...

Hier geht um eine Nominierung als SimulationsGame 2012




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Freitag, 11. Januar 2013, 18:40

Für alle Linux Freunde. ETS2 bald auch auf Linux?

Linux is close!

Finally today we see the light at the end of the tunnel - Euro Truck
Simulator 2 Linux port is almost finished. Very soon we should be able
to start beta testing it.




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Freitag, 18. Januar 2013, 10:19

ETS 2 mit 10 % Dicount jetzt bei Steam.

At Last!

We are looking forward to welcoming new truck simulation game players - Euro Truck Simulator was published on Steam just a few minutes ago.
Update 1 am Prague time:
[i]We just got word from Valve, the original ETS2 Product Keys
(also known as CD keys though they are not necessarily only from CD
editions of the game) should as of now activate the game. Please
try again if you've failed to activate the game on Steam before![/i]


Steam today!
We got word from Valve that finally, Euro Truck Simulator 2 should
appear on Steam Store today. It has taken many more weeks than we hoped,
but finally we have managed to push the game through the system and get
it ready for release. Unless they bump into some last-minute
show-stopping problem, this page should be on Steam tomorrow:

Product Keys (also known as CD-Keys) issued for ETS2 should allow for
activating the game on Steam as well. No key-gen trickery will work
though - this is a topic which will be addressed by the next non-Steam
patch, too.

The first version of the game to appear on Steam will be equivalent to
1.2.5 which has been out there for a long time. We are working on
several improvements and new features for the game, but they will only
appear in the next update - When It's Done.



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Montag, 28. Januar 2013, 08:21

News vom Freitag:

Zusammengefasst: 2 neue LKW Marken Iveco Volvo - SoftwarePiraterie soll eingeschränkt werden ,um illegale Keys zu entfernen - Bugfixes und Verbesserungen kommen in näherer Zeit

A New ETS2 Patch Almost Here
In a few days we should be ready to finally update Euro Truck Simulator 2
again. We are working on improving many parts of the game, we are
definitely not just in maintenance mode. The development effort is
substantial; we are committed to evolving the game for a long time. But
things take time to get them done right, more than we would like for
sure. Several extensive features which will not make it into this patch
are already under development. Please have patience with us!

What to expect now?
First and foremost, the 1.3.x patch is bringing two more official truck
brands into the game. Of course moders are doing fabulous job in this
area already, but this is major news for us. We are proud to have
official support from 6 of 7 biggest European truck brands. Down the
line, this is going to have very important influence on the quality of
our games, as well us perception of our games by the public and truck
industry insiders alike. Far from all ETS2 players use mods, so having
the real brands in the game "out of the box" is a welcome feature for
the many thousands of players just using the standard game.

Second major development is addition of Product Key verification step to
the activation process. It is no secret that in the recent weeks, a
"key gen" has appeared which can fool the built-in Product Key check in
many cases. On release, the game had no true "DRM" protection, it never
contacted any database of valid keys to see if the Product Key is really
issued and in good standing. All that the game did was check if the Key
conformed to a complex mathematical formula. This protection step
though was reverse-engineered, a key gen unleashed, and since then
piracy is through the roof. It's not just casual piracy, it seems that
several shady companies have made a business out of selling these fake
product keys on the cheap, scamming customers by claims that these keys
are valid. We had to do something about it, it was urgent as this was
badly hurting both our pocket and our reputation. So instead of bringing
you a new patch quickly, we had to concentrate on closing this hole and
spend over a month of programmers' time implementing an extra Product
Key verification step to the game. As of the new patch, everybody will
be asked to re-enter their Product Key again, and this time the check
will be more thorough, actually comparing the key with a database of
valid keys. Any keys which are not genuine or are coming from stolen
credit card purchases will be refused. We expect quite a storm of
complaints as people will find out that the key they were using until
now just fine was in fact invalid, but we simply must take this step to
protect our business. Steam version of Euro Truck Simulator 2
can be activated by using genuine Product Keys issued for any other
edition of the game, and seeing the activity on Steam it is already a
clear indication of what to expect with so many people trying to use
fake keys to register the game there.

The patch change-log has some 20 lines covering fixes and improvements
not listed above, but we'll post this detailed list closer to release of
the patch. For now, let us show you some of the visible changes and
additions to the ETS2 truck fleet.



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Freitag, 1. Februar 2013, 08:34

Zusammengefasst: Es wird ADD Ons geben, aber nicht umsonst. Man plant Preise gen 10 Euro. Dennoch soll es freie Updates für andere Spielmerkmale geben.

Was ich persönlich nicht verstehen kann ist das nun mit Mapbauern in Konkurrenz gearbeitet wird. Denn wenn Harry und Co ne Map basteln, die da schon gebaut ist, was passiert dann mit dem Addon? Viele Fragen, viele Probleme sehe ich da auf uns zukommen.
Am Ende wird es die Premiumspieler geben, die alle Addons kaufen und die, die lieber auf selbst gebauten Maps fahren. Nur was ist mit den Modellen in den Addons? Dürfen diese Straßen und Städte 1zu1 nachgebaut werden?
Wo und wie soll dann Geld mit verdient werden? Kann man Addons mischen mit anderen Karten? Es bleibt spannend.

ETS2 Eastern European Expansion

We are happy to announce that we are working on the first official add-on for Euro Truck Simulator 2.
This map expansion is centering on Eastern Europe with special focus on
Poland, so we took the opportunity of a press-day taking place at our
Polish publishing partner CDP to let the word know about it yesterday.

We have been working on the expansion for some time already, we have
bits and pieces to show already, but there is still a lot of work left
to complete the new part of the map.

Why go East for the first map expansion? With all respect to our truck
sim games' fans across the globe, Polish fan community is one of the
most active and most supportive. Cooperation between CDP
and SCS in Poland is also exemplary. So we felt that this region is a
great candidate for testing out if creating map expansions is going to
become a viable business for SCS Software. It would be great if the
market can prove that growing the world of Euro Truck Simulator 2 is not
lost time for us.

Once ETS2 EEE is completed, we'll have to decide where to go next...
Scandinavia? Rest of France with an option to go toward Spain? Italy?
Balkans? Continue East towards Russia? We will have to try to come up
with a method to understand the highest potential and set the priorities

Final note: This map add-on/DLC will not be free (we are pondering ~EUR
10 price point), but it's an optional expansion. Throughout the year
2013, we are going to keep improving the core game with free updates for
everybody with fixes and many improvements, including for example all
new trucks models, or new AI code. So while the 1.3.x patch is very
near, stay tuned for further patches coming down the road. And some
surprises on top of it all ;-).



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Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2013, 08:09

Zur Vollständigkeit:

Euro Truck Simulator 2 - update 1.3

At last, we are releasing a new update to ETS2! Lots of fixes and
improvements, and a new patch application which should hopefully make
the updating procedure a lot smoother.

It may be a good idea for you to back-up your player profile (look for
it in Documents > Euro Truck Simulator 2), especially if you are
using mods which may have compatibility problems with this update. This
way you would have a fall-back option to temporarily revert to a
previous version in case of problems.
Steam edition of the game will be updated later today, please have
patience with us, this patch is applicable to all retail as well as
digital editions of the game except for the Steam build.

Find the update here.

What's new in this update:
official licenses from Iveco and Volvo
ability to change the company name, logo or preferred brand
retarder (automatic or manual)
per-profile mod selection (can be overridden using -force_mods command line parameter)
support local currencies of each country in the game
gearbox accessory selection
new online radio stations (now up to 190 stations)
physics takes into account different weights for trailers and cargos
Renault Premium upgrades
Renault Magnum side-skirts are now an optional upgrade
hired driver log
hired drivers more likely to find suitable cargo on the way back
re-hired driver issue fixed
ferry fee is not charged to player for quick jobs
UK distances in GPS fixed
fixed memory leak when playing mp3 files using radio
improved handling of corrupted save files
improved resiliency to some types of corruptions caused by mod removal
fixed cabin blur during rain[*]over 200 map changes and fixes
several German roads thoroughly tweaked and prettyfied
bump causing damage on German A3 fixed
powerline columns in the middle of the road removed
gas station in Bremen
AI curves fixing on some prefabs
increased vertex buffer sizes to improve game stability with more detailed vehicle models
Product Key verification step added, only genuine keys in good standing accepted as of version 1.3+


Hier noch mal der Link



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Mittwoch, 13. März 2013, 07:34

Übersetzung by Bluetruck

Die Zeit vergeht so schnell! Seit Anfang 2013 haben wir einige neue
3D-Truck-modelle in Entwicklung. Es wird aber noch einige Zeit vergehen,
bis sie als neues Update in ETS2 erscheinen werden. Immer wenn die
LKW-hersteller neue oder überarbeitete Trucks vorstellen, wollen wir
versuchen, diese als 3D-model zu erstellen. Aber es wird ein Rennen ohne
Ende sein.

Eines dieser neuen Trucks im Spiel wird der IVECO Stralis Hi-way sein.
Es ist auch der erste Truck in ETS2, der mithilfe einer neuen Methode
erstellt wurde.

Anstatt die Polygonanzahl bis zum Limit hochzuschrauben, möchten wir
diese jetzt mithilfe von normalen Mapping-methoden mit einer höheren
Oberflächendetaillierung ausgleichen. Das bedeutet einige Lernerfahrung
für die 3D-model-ersteller. Außerdem sind neue Rendering-verfahren
erforderlich, um die neuen Programmcodes hierfür zu erstellen. Die
Ergebnisse werden einen großen Einfluss auf die Performance haben. Die
wahrgenommenen Details sind gleichwertig oder höher, während jedoch die
Anzahl der Dreiecke, die deine Grafikkarte bearbeiten muss, verringert
wird. Das wirkt sich dann positiv auf die Framerate aus.

Ein Teil unserer Recherchen, während wir neue Trucks gebaut haben,
beinhaltet natürlich auch, das originale Fahrzeug genau zu untersuchen -
es werden neue Motorsounds aufgenommen, Fotos vom Interieur und
Exterieur gemacht, und natürlich auch das Fahrverhalten und –Gefühl
getestet. Dies ist schon schon einige Wochen her, aber jetzt haben wir
endlich ein kurzes Video davon:

[Es ist hier eine recht freie Übersetzung, gerade, weil doch einige
schwierige Sätze dabei sind (Mapping und Rendering). Aber der Sinn
sollte erkenntlich sein ;)

Meine Meinung zu den News von SCS: Man scheint auf dem richtigen Weg zu
sein, man erstellt neue Fahrzeuge statt Maps und es wird an der
Performance gearbeitet. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass sich letzteres auch
spürbar auswirkt]


Iveco Stralis Hi-Way Sound recording

Time flies so fast! We have had a couple of new 3D models of trucks in
development since the start of this year already, but there is still
work to do before we are ready to release them as a part of future Euro
Truck Simulator 2 updates. As truck manufacturers come up with new or
face-lifted vehicles, we'll need to try to keep up with them, but it's
going to be a race with no end.

One of the all new 3D truck models coming to the game is the new IVECO
Stralis Hi-Way. This is the first truck of ETS2 to be created by a new
method, too. Rather than pushing polygon count to the limits (slowing
down anything but the best of the best 3D cards), we are going to
balance polygon count with higher surface detailed offered by normal
mapping techniques. It's a bit of a learning experience for the artists,
plus new rendering effects were required to be coded by the programmers
to make this happen. The results are going to be well worth it;
perceived detail is comparable or higher, while the number of triangles
that your 3D card has to chew on is limited, which should have positive
implications for framerate.

Part of our research when we are building a new truck for the game is of
course spending some time with the vehicle - we need to record engine
sounds, we take lots of photos of exterior as well as interior, and try
to get a general feel for the truck. The recording session with Stralis
Hi-Way took part several weeks ago already, today at last we have
managed to prepare the little video from the day...



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Sonntag, 24. März 2013, 17:03

Neue Bilder des neuen LKW.

Übersetzung von Bluetruck
Heute gibt’s wieder ein paar neue Bilder von dem Spiel, dass
definitiv euer Favorit ist – Euro Truck Simulator 2. Ja, wir haben die
Zeit genutzt um einen neuen Patch vorzubereiten. Das ist längst fällig,
da wir sehr viele Verbesserungen parallel erstellt haben. Wir haben
einige neue coole Sachen erstellt, die in einem Patch im Frühjahr
erscheinen sollen. Aber es benötigt einiges an Zeit, alle Bugs zu
beseitigen, damit das Spiel stabil läuft.

Doch wir arbeiten nicht nur an Code- und Gameplay-Verbesserungen (und
DLC-map), sondern das Innere des Spieles bekommt auch eine Aufarbeitung.
Der Iveco Stralis Hi-Way ist einer der ersten wichtigen News, aber es
wird noch viel mehr kommen…

The third pillar

Today we are bringing you a few new images from the game that is
definitely not losing our love - Euro Truck Simulator 2. Yeah, we have
been taking our time producing a new patch, but this is mostly due to
the fact that we are working on so many improvements in parallel. We
have some cool things coming, and they should appear in patches through
the Spring, but tuning and tweaking them all to a stable state takes

We are not working just on code and gameplay improvements (and the map
DLC), the core game will also get very cool new content. Iveco Stralis
Hi-Way is among the first major additions, but there is even more to



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Freitag, 19. April 2013, 22:08

New trucks coming to ETS2

We have several new truck models under construction for Euro Truck Simulator 2. Today we'd like to show you a glimpse of another really cool looking model!

New trucks and lots more content will be gradually released in upcoming free patches of the game (though we also plan paid add-ons eventually). We understand that we are pushing your patience with game updates not appearing as quickly as you would like, but rest assured that we are working really hard on overhauling and improving major features of the game and the game engine to make things better. These are major changes, and they take time to implement, but they are necessary for us to be able to evolve the game features and technology properly. We need to lift internal memory constraints, improve our map construction and asset creation pipeline,we need to make the engine run smoother, and last but not least, we need to see how to make the game even more engaging. We are in this for the long run, ETS2 is still getting a lot of our love, and its continued evolution features highly in our plans for world domination ;-). Please have patience with us!

Übersetzung by Bluetruck:

Wie ihr wisst, haben wir einige neue Truck Modelle für ETS2 in Entwicklung.
Heute zweigen wir euch wieder etwas von einem weiteren coolen Modell.

Die neuen Trucks und noch viel mehr sollen allmählich in kommenden und freien Patchs erscheinen (Wir planen aber auch eventuelle Add-ons ein). Wir wissen, dass wir eure Geduld brauchen, da die Updates nicht so bald erscheinen, wie ihr gerne hättet, aber seid euch sicher, dass wir wirklich viel an den Hauptfunktionen (zB. die Engine) des Spiels arbeiten und sie erneuern. Das sind große Veränderungen, die auch einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen, die aber notwendig sind um neue Features zu integrieren.
So müssen wir die Arbeitsspeicherbelastung verringern, die Map verbessern, die Engine aufwerten, und, zu guter Letzt, überlegen wir, wie wir das Gameplay noch schöner machen können.
Wir sind auf einem langen Weg, und ETS2 verdient immer noch unser größtes Augenmerk. Und die ständige Weiterentwicklung wirkt sich stark auf unsere Plänen für die Weltherrschaft aus ;) Bitte habt Geduld mit uns!

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