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Advance Engineered Triaxle Tanker REPLACEMENT version 1 for Haulin - TruckerDude April 2009
Ersetzt den: sv_1
Advance Engineered Triaxle Tanker REPLACEMENT version 1 for Haulin - TruckerDude April 2009
Version 1 notes:
- original release
Credits to the following for their outstanding work that I used in this combo:
Ivan (hardtruckisthebest) and Chris1.
- This tanker replaces the sidevan 1 and comes with 9 skins.
- I have included UV maps so go ahead and make some skins.
- When you deck the trailer some items are displayed giving a little addition to simulating the unloading process.
- DOES NOT come with a wheel mod - It will use the defaults unless you install a wheel mod.
Recommended Mods:
--> Wheels = use the wheels from Ivan's (hardtruckisthebest) utility trailer mod which can be found here
--> If you don't have Ivan's Utility trailer mod use his found here or here
--> Map = by Ivan found here
1) Place the scs file into your Haulin mods folder.
If you make skins, mod the trailer etc please give credit as above AND release the mod so that others can enjoy it as well.
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AUTHOR: halmqvisT
Credit: dcving for the collision.
Big trailer SCS
DIR-Pictures - 9 Photos
Replace: "Dryvan" and "double trailers"
Drop the SCS files into "My Documents/18 WoS Haulin/mod
I don't take responsibility for any damage that the file may cause (Probably None)
Other Mods By Me
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Put the animal zip folder in your haulin mod foder.
PMG is unlocked so fill free to change. You DO NOT need to ask me to change this trailer.
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Florida Rock and Tank Lines Tandem Axle Heil Tanker REPLACEMENT version 1 for Haulin - TruckerDude
Florida Rock and Tank Lines Tandem Axle Heil Tanker REPLACEMENT version 1 for Haulin - TruckerDude July 2009
Version 1 notes:
- original release
- created by request from Steven Kenneth and is based on his grandfather's rig. Steven provided all the pics that the model is based on.
Credits to the following for their outstanding work that I used in this combo or for their help in completing it:
Ivan (hardtruckisthebest), Chris1, Bora and Steven.
- This tanker replaces the chemical trailer and comes with 1 skin.
- I have included a UV map so go ahead and make some skins.
- DOES NOT come with a wheel mod - It will use the defaults unless you install a wheel mod.
- This has been tested on both the standard map and Ivan's RnR V5 map.
Recommended Mods:
--> Wheels = use the wheels from Ivan's (hardtruckisthebest) utility trailer mod
--> If you don't have Ivan's Utility trailer mod use his
--> Map = by Ivan
Southbound is hosting Ivan's mods on his MediaFire
1) Place the scs file into your Haulin mods folder.
If you make skins, mod the trailer etc please give credit as above AND release the mod so that others can enjoy it as well.
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aaron 53ft_Fontaine_dropdeck
2007 Fontaine Infinity AX 53' Drop Deck by: Yankee Trucker ( Aaron )
- petercar379 ( Corey )
- hardtruckisthebast ( Ivan )
- bayonet ( Chris )
*If I may have forgotten you in the credits please let me know A.S.A.P.*
- Note that this trailer replaces the SCS flatbed and does not include any loads, if you want to have loads on this trailer you must create them yourselves...
- Also note that I will not take any type of requests on this trailer...
A special thanks to all that may have helped me with this trailer, and also note that this will most likely be my last ever release to due to unturstworthy people!!!
Any questions or comments please contact me on the Truckmodshop forum or at
Thanks and Enjoy,
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Gasland Tri Axle Heil Tanker REPLACEMENT version 2 (stainless) for Haulin - TruckerDude July 2009
Version 2 notes:
- this is the stainless version of the original Gasland tank
- all version 1 notes apply
Version 1 notes:
- original release
- created by request from Reddog and is based on his dad's rig. Reddog provided all the pics that the model is based on and assisted with the completion of the model.
Credits to the following for their outstanding work that I used in this combo or for their help in completing it:
Ivan (hardtruckisthebest), Chris1, Bora, Southbound and Reddog.
- THE REFLECTION DETAIL SETTING MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE ON HOW THIS TANK LOOKS - try both high and low and decide which you like the best.
- This tanker replaces the asphalt trailer and comes with 1 skin.
- I have included a UV map so go ahead and make some skins.
- DOES NOT come with a wheel mod - It will use the defaults unless you install a wheel mod.
- This has been tested on both the standard map and Ivan's RnR V5 map.
Recommended Mods:
--> Wheels = use the wheels from Ivan's (hardtruckisthebest) utility trailer mod
--> If you don't have Ivan's Utility trailer mod use his
--> Map = by Ivan
Southbound is hosting Ivan's mods on his MediaFire
1) Place the scs file into your Haulin mods folder.
If you make skins, mod the trailer etc please give credit as above AND release the mod so that others can enjoy it as well.
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__________________________________________________________________________ - ___
Lowboy Double - 6Axle with CAT D7R
by Rubber Duck
parts & stuff from V1.0:
- 3Axle Lowboy in combination with a 3Axle Dolly
- Lowboy loaded with a Caterpillar D7R
- self-luminous Parts
- Flares and Wheels for model included
- enhanced Trailer-Traffic
Please do NOT re-upload this file anywhere, thank-you.
- Airtubing and Connections by SheryO, thanks for the permission
- Wheels by News with reworked Textures by me.
- Flarepack by Samson, a little bit reworked and enhanced by me.
Copy scs to your "\18 WoS Haulin\mod\" directory.
That's it
The Lowboy-Double replaces the standard Wideload-Roll, changes on "trailer_storage.sii" are not needed!
Known Problems:
Nothing,at this time
I hope u enjoy,)
Rubber Duck
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