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Antworten im Thema: 185 » Der letzte Beitrag (Apr 6th 2018, 6:14pm) ist von scheffi.



  • "scheffi" is male
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Sunday, March 20th 2016, 2:22pm

ETS2 Trailer Standalone Hammar Boxloader by Roadhunter

Infos & Credits

ETS2 1.23.xx + DLC Scandinavia

- gefixed sind Cargo Probleme
- DL link ist für beide ETS2 Versionen ( 1.22.xx und 1.23.xx, wobei bei 1.22.xx ein game_log eintrag in kauf genommen werden muss.
[<WARNING> Ignoring obsolete attribute 'front_wheel' of unit 'bpw_twin2.rwheel' (of type 'accessory_wheel_data').] )

Hammar Boxloader with 8 cargos

z3d_base by Akirix 3D

Rebuilt by Roadhunter

Standalone Trailer with 8 cargo

Cargo : Boxloader Empty weight : 7 tons
Cargo : Boxloader 30ft Container weight : 20 tons
Cargo : Boxloader 20ft Kuehlcontainer weight : 18 tons
Cargo : Boxloader 20ft Container weight : 20 tons
Cargo : Boxloader 20ft Nitro Tank weight : 20 tons
Cargo : Boxloader 20ft Opentop weight : 20 tons
Cargo : Boxloader Plattform Traktor weight : 20 tons
Cargo : Boxloader Plattform Leer weight : 5 tons

- Skins 20ft Reefer, 20ftOpentop 20ft_Box by TSM Team
- 20ft Opentop / Base Container: by EED123 / Opentop version: Mr_Zer
- Traktor Giants Software
- Nitro Tank by Roadhunter
- 30ft Container / Skins: Nordich (remake Mr_Zer) / Model: Alex Antonov
- Plattform by Roadhunter

my page

Don´t upload this file on other hoster.

New Link


Danke Roadhunter

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "scheffi" (Mar 20th 2016, 2:22pm)



  • "scheffi" is male
  • »scheffi« is a verified user

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Tuesday, April 12th 2016, 9:34pm

ETS2 1.23.x.x Trailer Standalone Hammar Boxloader V_2 by Roadhunter

Spoiler Spoiler

ETS2 1.23.xx + DLC Scandinavia

Hammar Boxloader with 9 cargos V 2

- one more cargo, 40ft Container
- some Texture error fixed
- attacher deeper and further forward

z3d_base by Akirix 3D

Rebuilt by Roadhunter

Standalone Trailer with 9 cargo

Cargo : Boxloader Empty weight : 7 tons
Cargo : Boxloader 30ft Container weight : 20 tons
Cargo : Boxloader 20ft Kuehlcontainer weight : 18 tons
Cargo : Boxloader 20ft Container weight : 20 tons
Cargo : Boxloader 20ft Nitro Tank weight : 20 tons
Cargo : Boxloader 20ft Opentop weight : 20 tons
Cargo : Boxloader Plattform Traktor weight : 20 tons
Cargo : Boxloader Plattform Leer weight : 5 tons
Cargo : Boxloader 40ft Container weight : 30 tons

- Skins 20ft Reefer, 20ftOpentop 20ft_Box by TSM Team
- 20ft Opentop / Base Container: by EED123 / Opentop version: Mr_Zer
- Traktor Giants Software
- Nitro Tank by Roadhunter
- 30ft Container / Skins: Nordich (remake Mr_Zer) / Model: Alex Antonov
- Plattform by Roadhunter

Delete Version 1 and aktivate Version 2

my page

Don´t upload this file on other hoster.


Danke an Roadhunter



  • "scheffi" is male
  • »scheffi« is a verified user

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Location: Wegberg

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Thursday, April 14th 2016, 9:58pm

ETS2 1.23.x.x Trailer Standalone Doll Vario 3Axle 16 Cargo by Roadhunter

Spoiler Spoiler

ETS2 1.23.xx + DLC Scandinavia

Doll Vario 3Achs with new backlight and in traffic v3.0

16 Standalone Trailer
6 Trailer in Ai Traffic

Cargo : Weihnachts Geschenke Weight : 20 tons
Cargo : Leerruecktransport Doll 3Achs Weight : 4 tons traffic
Cargo : Regenueberlaufbecken Fuchs Weight : 25 tons
Cargo : Generator Alt Weight : 25 tons traffic
Cargo : Leerruecktransport mit Liftachs Weight : 5 tons
Cargo : Platmaker Transport Weight : 18 tons traffic
Cargo : Yacht Transport Weight : 15 tons
Cargo : WKA Generatorfundament Weight : 20 tons
Cargo : ENO Maschinenhaus Leer Weight : 18 tons
Cargo : Caterpilar D7H Weight : 25 tons
Cargo : Ulferts BF3 Ruecktransport Weight : 4 tons
Cargo : Caterpillar 980H Weight : 30 tons
Cargo : John Deere 9630 Weight : 19 tons
Cargo : Gabelstapler Komatsu Weight : 10 tons traffic
Cargo : Krone BigPack 1290XC/HDP Weight : 16 tons traffic
Cargo : Wind Turbinen Teile Weight : 28 tons traffic

Doll Vario by Roadhunter
Cargos by Roadhunter and SCS and other
Wheels by Ventures

supported me through PayPal :

my page

Don´t upload this file on other hoster.

It is not allowed to upload this mod to other hosters.
It is permissible to offer this mod with the link linked by me in other forums.
Filehoster :
It is not allowed to change this trailer must be equipped with charge and then to
Download offer.
It is allowed to change this trailer for private purposes equip with charge.

Translation with Google

Es ist nicht erlaubt diesen Mod auf einen anderen Hoster zu Uploaden.
Es ist nur erlaubt diesen Mod mit dem von mir zur verfügung gegebenen Link in anderen Foren
Es ist nicht erlaubt, alle Doll Trailer zu einem Pack zusammen zu fügen und zum Download anzubieten.
Es ist nicht erlaubt, den Doll Tieflader mit anderen Ladung zu versehen und zum DL anzubieten.
Es ist erlaubt, den Doll Tieflader für Private zwecke umzubauen, und mit neuer Ladung auszurüsten.


Danke an Roadhunter

21 registered users thanked already.



  • "scheffi" is male
  • »scheffi« is a verified user

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Wednesday, April 20th 2016, 10:05pm

ETS2 Trailer Standalone 68 Roadhunter Trailer Pack V 5.4 by Roadhunter

Spoiler Spoiler

ETS2 1.23.xx + DLc Scandinavia ready

68 Trailer rework by Roadhunter Version 5.4.0

All trailer for the Patch 1.23.xx

All Standalone Trailer

Four Trailer in AI Traffic ( Krone 4Axis, Krone Dryliner, 20ft_2Axis, Cement_Cistern )

Compatible with all Trailer Packs and Maps.

credits in the Readme68 file

supported me through PayPal :
my page

Don´t upload this file on other hoster.


Danke Roadhunter



  • "scheffi" is male
  • »scheffi« is a verified user

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Monday, April 25th 2016, 4:02pm

ETS2 Trailer Standalone Hammar Boxloader V3 by Roadhunter

Spoiler Spoiler

ETS2 1.23.xx + DLC Scandinavia

Hammar Boxloader with 11 cargos V 3

- + 40ft OpenTop Container + four skins
- Container Rack with Box
- 40ft Container + four skins
- some Texture error fixed
- attacher deeper and further forward

z3d_base by Akirix 3D

Rebuilt by Roadhunter

Standalone Trailer with 11 cargo

Cargo : Boxloader Empty weight : 7 tons
Cargo : Boxloader 30ft Container weight : 20 tons
Cargo : Boxloader 20ft Kuehlcontainer weight : 18 tons
Cargo : Boxloader 20ft Container weight : 20 tons
Cargo : Boxloader 20ft Nitro Tank weight : 20 tons
Cargo : Boxloader 20ft Opentop weight : 20 tons
Cargo : Boxloader Plattform Traktor weight : 20 tons
Cargo : Boxloader Plattform Leer weight : 5 tons
Cargo : Boxloader 40ft Container weight : 30 tons
Cargo : Boxloader 40ft Opentop weight : 25 tons
Cargo : Boxloader Rack mit Holzbox weight : 22 tons

- Skins 20ft Reefer, 20ftOpentop 20ft_Box by TSM Team
- 20ft Opentop / Base Container: by EED123 / Opentop version: Mr_Zer
- Traktor Giants Software
- Nitro Tank by Roadhunter
- 30ft Container / Skins: Nordich (remake Mr_Zer) / Model: Alex Antonov
- Plattform by Roadhunter

supported me through PayPal :
my page

Don´t upload this file on other hoster.


Danke an Roadhunter



  • "scheffi" is male
  • »scheffi« is a verified user

Posts: 1,503

Location: Wegberg

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Tuesday, April 26th 2016, 5:17pm

ETS2 Trailer Standalone Doll Vario 19 Cargo 7 in Traffic V4 by Roadhunter

Spoiler Spoiler

ETS2 1.23.xx + DLC Scandinavia

Doll Vario 3Achs with new backlight and in traffic v4.0

19 Standalone Trailer
7 Trailer in Ai Traffic

Cargo : Weihnachts GeschenkeWeight : 20 tons
Cargo : Leerruecktransport Doll 3AchsWeight : 4 tons traffic
Cargo : Regenueberlaufbecken FuchsWeight : 25 tons
Cargo : Generator AltWeight : 25 tons traffic
Cargo : Leerruecktransport mit LiftachsWeight : 5 tons
Cargo : Platmaker TransportWeight : 18 tons traffic
Cargo : Yacht TransportWeight : 15 tons
Cargo : WKA GeneratorfundamentWeight : 20 tons
Cargo : ENO Maschinenhaus LeerWeight : 18 tons
Cargo : Caterpilar D7HWeight : 25 tons
Cargo : Ulferts BF3 RuecktransportWeight : 4 tons
Cargo : Caterpillar 980HWeight : 30 tons
Cargo : John Deere 9630Weight : 19 tons
Cargo :Gabelstapler KomatsuWeight : 10 tons traffic
Cargo :Krone BigPack 1290XC/HDPWeight : 16 tons traffic
Cargo :Wind Turbinen TeileWeight : 28 tons traffic
Cargo : Turm Halbschale 1Weight : 34 tons
Cargo : Turm Halbschale 2Weight : 28 tons
Cargo : Turm Halbschale 3Weight : 24 tons traffic

Doll Vario by Roadhunter
Cargos by Roadhunter and SCS and other
Wheels by Ventures

supported me through PayPal :

my page

Don´t upload this file on other hoster.

It is not allowed to upload this mod to other hosters.
It is permissible to offer this mod with the link linked by me in other forums.
Filehoster :
It is not allowed to change this trailer must be equipped with charge and then to
Download offer.
It is allowed to change this trailer for private purposes equip with charge.

Translation with Google

Es ist nicht erlaubt diesen Mod auf einen anderen Hoster zu Uploaden.
Es ist nur erlaubt diesen Mod mit dem von mir zur verfügung gegebenen Link in anderen Foren
Es ist nicht erlaubt, alle Doll Trailer zu einem Pack zusammen zu fügen und zum Download anzubieten.
Es ist nicht erlaubt, den Doll Tieflader mit anderen Ladung zu versehen und zum DL anzubieten.
Es ist erlaubt, den Doll Tieflader für Private zwecke umzubauen, und mit neuer Ladung auszurüsten.


Danke Roadhunter

18 registered users thanked already.



  • "scheffi" is male
  • »scheffi« is a verified user

Posts: 1,503

Location: Wegberg

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Tuesday, May 10th 2016, 11:04pm

ETS2 1.23.x.x Trailer Standalone Doll Vario with Big Wheel by Roadhunter

Spoiler Spoiler

DOLL VARIO BIG WHEEL ETS2 1.23.xx DLC Scandinavia 10.05.2016

Doll Vario by Roadhunter
Wheels by Ventures
Cargos by Roadhunter and Unknow

Standalone Trailer

Cargo : Spare wheel Dumpers Weight : 5 tons

upported me via PayPal :
my page

It is not allowed to upload this mod to other hosters.
It is permissible to offer this mod with the link linked by me in other forums.
Filehoster :
It is not allowed to change this trailer must be equipped with charge and then to
Download offer.
It is allowed to change this trailer for private purposes equip with charge.

Translation with Google

Es ist nicht erlaubt diesen Mod auf einen anderen Hoster zu Uploaden.
Es ist nur erlaubt diesen Mod mit dem von mir zur verfügung gegebenen Link in anderen Foren
Es ist nicht erlaubt, alle Doll Trailer zu einem Pack zusammen zu fügen und zum Download anzubieten.
Es ist nicht erlaubt, den Doll Tieflader mit anderen Ladung zu versehen und zum DL anzubieten.
Es ist erlaubt, den Doll Tieflader für Private zwecke umzubauen, und mit neuer Ladung auszurüsten.


Danke an Roadhunter

14 registered users thanked already.



Posts: 349

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Monday, June 20th 2016, 8:18am

DL ETS2 1.24.x.x Trailer Standalone Doll Vario 3Achs with new backlight and in traffic v4.0


ETS2 1.24.xx + DLC Scandinavia

Doll Vario 3Achs with new backlight and in traffic v4.0

19 Standalone Trailer
7 Trailer in Ai Traffic

Cargo : Weihnachts Geschenke Weight : 20 tons
Cargo : Leerruecktransport Doll 3Achs Weight : 4 tons traffic
Cargo : Regenueberlaufbecken Fuchs Weight : 25 tons
Cargo : Generator Alt Weight : 25 tons traffic
Cargo : Leerruecktransport mit Liftachs Weight : 5 tons
Cargo : Platmaker Transport Weight : 18 tons traffic
Cargo : Yacht Transport Weight : 15 tons
Cargo : WKA Generatorfundament Weight : 20 tons
Cargo : ENO Maschinenhaus Leer Weight : 18 tons
Cargo : Caterpilar D7H Weight : 25 tons
Cargo : Ulferts BF3 Ruecktransport Weight : 4 tons
Cargo : Caterpillar 980H Weight : 30 tons
Cargo : John Deere 9630 Weight : 19 tons
Cargo : Gabelstapler Komatsu Weight : 10 tons traffic
Cargo : Krone BigPack 1290XC/HDP Weight : 16 tons traffic
Cargo : Wind Turbinen Teile Weight : 28 tons traffic
Cargo : Turm Halbschale 1 Weight : 34 tons
Cargo : Turm Halbschale 2 Weight : 28 tons
Cargo : Turm Halbschale 3 Weight : 24 tons traffic

Doll Vario by Roadhunter
Cargos by Roadhunter and SCS and other
Wheels by Ventures

supported me through PayPal :

my page

Don´t upload this file on other hoster.

It is not allowed to upload this mod to other hosters.
It is permissible to offer this mod with the link linked by me in other forums.
Filehoster :
It is not allowed to change this trailer must be equipped with charge and then to
Download offer.
It is allowed to change this trailer for private purposes equip with charge.

Translation with Google

Es ist nicht erlaubt diesen Mod auf einen anderen Hoster zu Uploaden.
Es ist nur erlaubt diesen Mod mit dem von mir zur verfügung gegebenen Link in anderen Foren
Es ist nicht erlaubt, alle Doll Trailer zu einem Pack zusammen zu fügen und zum Download anzubieten.
Es ist nicht erlaubt, den Doll Tieflader mit anderen Ladung zu versehen und zum DL anzubieten.
Es ist erlaubt, den Doll Tieflader für Private zwecke umzubauen, und mit neuer Ladung auszurüsten.

13 registered users thanked already.



Posts: 349

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Monday, June 20th 2016, 8:21am

DL ETS2 1.24.xx Standalone Trailer DOLL VARIO BIG WHEEL V1.1


DOLL VARIO BIG WHEEL ETS2 1.24.xx DLC Scandinavia 19.06.2016

Version 1.1
Ready 1.24.x.x

Doll Vario by Roadhunter
Wheels by Ventures
Cargos by Roadhunter and Unknow

Standalone Trailer

Cargo : Spare wheel Dumpers Weight : 5 tons

supported me via PayPal :
my page

14 registered users thanked already.



Posts: 349

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Thursday, June 23rd 2016, 11:13am

DL ETS2 1.24.x.x Trailer Standalone 68 Trailer Pack


Don´t upload this file on other hoster.

Spoiler Spoiler

ETS2 1.24.xx + DLc Scandinavia ready

68 Trailer rework by Roadhunter Version 5.5.0

All trailer for the Patch 1.24.xx

All Standalone Trailer

Four Trailer in AI Traffic ( Krone 4Axis, Krone Dryliner, 20ft_2Axis, Cement_Cistern )

Compatible with all Trailer Packs and Maps.

credits in the Readme68 file

supported me through PayPal :
my page

Don´t upload this file on other hoster.

19 registered users thanked already.

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