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Faymonville Megamax Schräglader by Roadhunter
for ETS 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3
Kopiere die "faymonville_schraeglader_nabe_by_roadhunter.scs" in Eigene Dateien/Euro Truck Simulator/mod
Ersetzt den Container Trailer
Ersetzt nicht die Traffic des Container Trailers (AI/KI)
PMG ist close
Model by Roadhunter
Wheels by ??? ( sorry ) rebuilt by Roadhunter
samro trailer rijnberg transport
for euro Truck Simulator
trailer/convertion by HOTRACER
parlock by trucker92
wheels by wombat
skin by pedro37
copy & paste the scs file to your folder :
my documents/euro truck simulator/mod
it replace the "container" trailer
-just install & enjoy it, that's all
-cruise around your house, why not?
-modify the paint of the trailer(use the template)
-smoke & fly
-published it but YOU MUST CREDIT!!!
-drive fast and furious, at your own risk
-drink & drive
-open/stole/hack the locked pmg
-eat more than 1200 Kcal per day for a man
-use the logos & dds/skins on a other trailer without permission
-drive more than 100 000 kms in a IVECO without any problems!
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1 registered user thanked already.
ETS 1.3 VanHool Plattform Trailer 06.05.2011
ETS 1.0/1.1/1.2 nicht getestet.
base by Unknow!
Rebuilt by Roadhunter
Europalette by Magellan
Ladung besteht aus Konstruktionsteile für ein Hauptgeneratortraeger einer Windkraftanlage.
Trailer ersetzt den Container.
pmg ist geschlossen...warum auch immer!!!
Download by TS24 DL Server
4 registered users thanked already.
ETS Faymonville Megamax Yacht Trailer 14.05.2011
base by Roadhunter
Rebuilt by Roadhunter
Yacht by SCS Software
Trailer ersetzt den Container.
Download by TS24 DL Server
11 registered users thanked already.
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Actros Trucker, bär 007, Dbpit, Docus Dachs, Hom, kk31, Löwenherz, pit19169, Sax™, Tobiao, Weinheimer
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Euro Truck Simulator,Euro Truck Simulator 2,German Truck Simulator,Forum,Community,Downloads,Support,Euro Trucksimulator,Euro Trucksimulator 2,German Trucksimulator,Trucks,18 Wheels of Steel,Haulin,Convoy,Pttm,Long Haul,Trucksimulator,Trucksimulation,Truck Simulator,Simulation,ATS,Trucksim,Extreme Trucker 2,ETS,ETS2,GTS,UKTS,ET,ET2,18WoS,Tutorial,Tutorials,Tipp,Zmodeler,z3d,Modding,SCS,simulation,support, Zmod,z3d,Sk,Skins,Map,Maps,Mod,Mods,Trucksims,STD,Scania Truck Driving Simulator,Scania,ETS2Mods, Euro Trucksimulator2 Mods